With trends like Digital transformation, Internet of Things (IoT), and Industry 4.0 leading the manufacturing industry, many discrete manufacturers are implementing technology and moving their operations to cloud-based business systems, like NetSuite. Moving to the cloud also means a shift from manual processes, spreadsheets, and legacy systems to automated systems. This isn’t a nice-to-have, it is mission critical for keeping up in a competitive, fast-moving industry.
Discrete manufacturers need access to real-time information to proactively manage operations and make quick decisions. By increasing visibility into your operations, you can reap the benefits of cost savings, faster production times and improved customer service. Mobile technology extends an ERP system like NetSuite for plant managers that want complete visibility to the shop floor.
A recent Boston Consulting Market Group analysis predicts that roughly 63% of manufacturers believe applying technology to their operations will increase profitability over the next five years – this includes the automation of inventory management and self-optimizing production.
Simplifying the supply chain using barcodes and scanning to automate processes allows you to operate your business more efficiently with more visibility and control over your inventory even with the increased flow of raw materials, parts and components.
You should be automating:
By electronically collecting, validating and entering data into NetSuite—and by directing employees to perform their tasks— a mobile solution like RF-SMART, enables NetSuite manufacturing customers to automate processes. Let's look at issuing components for a work order. By simply scanning the work order, RF-SMART guides the worker on the most efficient pick path to gather all necessary components needed to assemble their order.
Support for WMS capabilities means you can also take control of your advanced manufacturing operations by tracking assembled and manufactured goods. When a part or material is compromised, manufacturers need to be able to trace when it was used, what products are affected, and be able to inform the customers who received it.
To effectively manage your inventory, you will also want to leverage tools to further automate your operations:
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