How did the Customer Levels originate? What is the vision behind them?
Michael Morales: We generated the RF-SMART Vision Levels to provide direction to our team members and our Customers of where they could grow and take their businesses. We had many stories of helping our Customers move from one phase to the next and wanted to clearly articulate our vision. We also thought it was important to cast a vision to our Customers of where (and how) they could expand in the future.
How do these levels help reflect our company’s mission?
MM: We are crazy for our Customers and having a vision for their business that is larger than simply getting them started with RF-SMART demonstrates how crazy we are for them. Also, we strive to have an ever-expanding impact, and the Vision Levels encourages us to create an even larger impact with our Customers.
Is there one level of more significance to you than the others? Why is that?
MM: Since we have just launched the Levels this year, I am most focused on helping Customers move from Level 1 (Invest) to Level 2 (Nurture). We have many delighted Customers who go-live with RF-SMART and are running well, but move on to other projects and don’t address the numerous opportunities for deploying additional RF-SMART functionality that can impact their business. Our team is focused on visiting these Customers and sharing with them how we can add even more value to their business.
What are you most excited about with the new customer levels?
MM: I am excited about ultimately moving every Customer to the Grow Phase (Level 3). Our Customers want to improve their labor productivity and many have made attempts, but we have such an opportunity to partner with them to make significant improvements in this area. Labor is a significant cost for all of our Customers, and we can truly move the needle for them by helping them earn the highest return on their labor investment.
What is the average level of our customers? Any desire or plans to change that?
MM: I would say that our average level is between Invest and Nurture. Many Customers say they love RF-SMART and “it just runs.” Others have leveraged future releases of RF-SMART and new functionality to invest in their businesses and experienced great results.
How would you explain the difference in “Do things Right” and “Doing the Right Things”?
MM: When most Customers start with RF-SMART, they can be so focused on implementing that they don’t step back and look at their processes and systems. They simply want RF-SMART to automate their process and ensure their workers do it right. With the Grow and Harvest levels of the RF-SMART vision, we want our Customers to ask the question. “Are we doing the right things? Are we getting the most out of our workforce? What processes are inefficient or possibly even unnecessary?”
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