RF-SMART Wins Best Places to Work … Again.

Written by Jodi Nuszkowski | July 10, 2014
“I am really blessed to work here. We are passionate about supporting our customers to the best of our ability. We work hard, yet at the same time, my supervisor cares for my career. There is a level of mutual respect which inspires me to do the best I can for my team.”

When asked why RF-SMART is the best place to work, that was how one of our team members responded.

And they were not the only ones who had good things to say about ICS, developers of RF-SMART.

In fact, for the second year in a row, RF-SMART has been named one of the “Best Places to Work” in an employee-rated survey by the Jacksonville Business Journal.



Headquartered in Jacksonville, RF-SMART ranked #3 in the medium-sized company division amongst several other business applicants.

The winners were scored based on employee surveys measuring workplace culture and experience. For RF-SMART, this surfaced high in the area of morale. According to the Jacksonville Business Journal, this can be achieved in several different ways including bringing together teams and training for events such as charity runs or participating in fundraisers.



For CEO Michael Morales, this all came down to the people:

“People love to work at RF-SMART because they really enjoy their colleagues. When people are thinking about RF-SMART, one of the main pictures in their mind is their manager. We have worked very hard to invest in our managers and they have made RF-SMART a great place to work.” 

In the end, any one person at RF-SMART may give you a different reason why this is the best place to work, however, we can all agree that RF-SMART has set the bar. Not only for ourselves, but our competitors and other local companies. 

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