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Easily Develop Paperless Warehouse
Picking Strategies in NetSuite

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Automate Picking & Work Tasks on the Fly with RF-SMART's Picking Strategy Tools

RF-SMART’s Picking Strategy Tools, Pick Manager and Pick Planner combined with our picking workflows, reduce the reliance on paper by creating the electronic assignment of sales orders and then directing workers through the warehouse through the mobile application.

By setting up a single Pick Plan in NetSuite, multiple tasks are sent to the mobile devices instantly and take your workers on the most efficient route through the warehouse.

CheckboxAre you looking to increase efficiency in how orders are organized, prioritized, and assigned to warehouse teams?

DCheckboxo you need to speed up fulfillment productivity while reducing labor cost?

CheckboxDo you have multiple order types that require different picking methods?

CheckboxDo you want to use picking best practices to optimize your process?


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Easily Manage Day-to-Day Picking Task Assignments with Pick Manager


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Schedule a Demo of Pick Manager

RF-SMART's Pick Manager is a way to easily manage daily picking tasks in NetSuite. Managers are able to find and group orders together and then apply common configurable picking strategies (like multi-order or tote picking) for orders.

Using Pick Manager allows for day-to-day control to make adjustments for any given day. The user-friendly UI allows you to easily prioritize and assign work to specific users or groups of employees, giving you a paperless start process and drive efficiency in the warehouse. 

Pick Manager allows you to:

  • Group Orders for Fulfillment Activities
  • Prioritize Orders for Pick/Pack/Ship
  • Electronically assign orders to individuals and/or teams for picking
  • Preview the pick plan and then release orders to the warehouse


Redcat Racing Boosts Picking Speed and Efficiency with Pick Manager

Redcat Racing replaced a clunky WMS with RF-SMART, opting for a faster and more efficient solution.  With functionality including cycle counts and bin management, Redcat Racing was able to remove all manual processes.

RF-SMART’s Pick Manager further boosts efficiency. Giving Redcat Racing the multi-order picking their previous solution did not have, Redcat Racing can pick multiple orders at once or assign multiple pickers to one order.

Pick Manager lets Redcat Racing sort picking tasks by weight, size or ship date – removing all manual processes from the picking process. Employees scan as orders are picked and again prior to packing, ensuring accuracy. With RF-SMART and Pick Manager, Recat Racing is shipping more orders per day.

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Automate Your Picking Processes & Work Assignments with Pick Planner

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Schedule a Demo of Pick Planner

RF-SMART’s Pick Planner is for companies looking to automate the entire pick plan process using advanced picking scenarios (like Zone Picking, Wave Picking). Managers create pick plans and then either execute or schedule that plan to run at a specific time.

One pick plan creates one or more picking tasks, and users pick the orders using RF-SMART mobile picking functions. Once complete, the tasks are updated in real-time to NetSuite, and an item fulfillment is created for the task or order.

 Pick Planner allows you to:

  • Automate the setup and execution of different picking strategies and order profiles.
  • Schedule and Create Tasks that are released at certain times
  • Split orders across multiple tasks, or pick by License Plates or work order.

3 Rules For Optimized Picking

60% of a typical warehouse worker’s cost is spent on the picking process.
Improving this piece of your inventory management strategy can impact your entire business. 

Discrete Picking


Rule #1 - Have the right item in the correct warehouse bin

It sounds simple enough, but a huge amount of resource is wasted on pickers not being able to find the item(s) they need. Protect your productivity by ensuring item putaways and bin replenishments are done promptly and accurately.



Rule #2 – Reduce the distance pickers needs to travel

Optimizing your warehouse layout so that pickers can travel the shortest possible distance is another smart way to gain efficiency.

pick path


Rule #3 – Optimize pick paths to match your order profile

How does your customer submit orders? Whether it’s eCommerce, a small retail store or a large business, each will have a different order profile – and will require different picking methods.


RF-SMART Pick Manager and Pick Planner can help you with this. Plan picking tasks by the relevant criteria,
including multi-order picking by tote, zone picking, wave picking or pick by item attributes. 

Transition to Paperless Picking Tasks in NetSuite

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