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Material Handling Automation Connector by RFSMART 

Manage 3rd Party Automated  Material Handling Solutions for Oracle Cloud SCM

Want to increase velocity, improve efficiency, and decrease labor costs? Leverage RFSMART’s Automation Module to communicate real-time
movement and order/inventory status changes

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Material handling Automation connector Dashboard Mockup OC-1


material handling automation connector for oracle cloud

Automation Types automated storage and retrieval systems ASRS for Oracle Cloud

Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems

ASRS is a goods-to-person materials handling automation solution that allows users to easily and quickly pick items while storing them in a compact footprint.

Automation Types_Autonomous mobile robots AMR for Oracle Cloud

Automated Mobile Robots

Autonomous Mobile Robots are a person-to-goods automated material handling solution collaborating with warehouse employees to accelerate the picking process while reducing labor. 

OC Automation for Manufacturing for Oracle Cloud

Automation for Manufacturing / Production Reporting

Automation for Manufacturing Reporting allows manufacturers to avoid manual production data updates to Oracle Cloud and can automatically print/apply labels.

Transform Warehouse Productivity

Increase velocity, improve efficiency, and decrease labor costs.


RF-SMART’s Material Handling Automation Connector for Oracle Cloud

Check out this video of warehouse automation in action! We will showcase various types of automation procedures, such as:

•   Autonomous Mobile Robots
•   Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems
Automation for Manufacturing/Production Reporting

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Automation OC (1)


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RF-SMART’s Material Handling Automation Connector for Oracle Cloud offers diverse automation options.

Automation used by RF‑SMART customers today:

• Tote Equipped Robots 
•  Vertical Lift Modules (VLM)
•  Robotic Cube Storage (AutoStore)
•  Picking Cranes

•  Vertical & Horizontal Carousels
•  Robotic Shuttle Systems
•  Vertical Buffer Modules
•  Unit Load ASRS
•  And more!

Report manufacturing activity into Oracle Cloud, including:

• WO Completions
• Consumption of components/ingredients
Automatic Product/Case/Pallet Labeling

Connectivity methods for reporting:

• Direct Connectivity to PLCs
• Allen Bradley Logix
• Modbus
• Database Integration
• Flatfile
• MES Integration

Production Dashboard visibility:

• WO Completions
• Consumption of components/ingredients
• Label Print Confirmation
• Production Dashboard at each Work Center/Reporting Location

Talk with our team to learn how you can accelerate inventory processes & reduce labor.

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